It’s a very well known fact that having and maintaining a successful marriage is something that cannot be easily attained.
And the going gets tougher when neither of the spouses is ready to acknowledge their shortcomings and make compromises to mend a breaking marriage.
Take my cousin Nancy for example; her marriage had taken quite a rough turn in the last few years, and the only thing keeping her and George together were her kids.
But in her defense, she and her husband did try a lot of couples counseling and psychiatric therapy. However, nothing really seemed to work.
So to her and her family, Brad Browning’s Mend the Marriage was like a godsend. Not only did it get her marriage back on track but the bond between her and George had never been stronger.
In this course, Browning does an amazing job of going through the solutions methodically and with ease.
So let’s take a look at how this product can help you just like it helped Nancy.
Brad Browning has been a couples counselor for many years now, hence fixing relationships is what he had been doing since the beginning of his professional life.
One thing Nancy praises Brad for, is his approachability. While talking to him on his one on one seminars, she felt that he had known her for years, and this is all thanks to his experience.
Brad is nicknamed by his colleagues as a “divorce geek” as well, because not only is he well versed in the knowledge of how marriages work, but also why they fail to begin with. So, it can be safe to assume that he knew precisely what Nancy needed to get her back on her feet again.
What did Mend the Marriage teach Nancy?
There are two basic principles that this course deals with, one is Marriage Mistakes, and the other is Marriage Mending.
- Marriage Mistakes.
The course began by teaching Nancy about the mistakes and the pitfalls of her marital life. As most marriages have a lot of pitfalls in common, there are some that are minor, while others can be extremely dangerous.
Browning even made Nancy realize the fact that it’s not always the severity of the mistake or the issue at hand that is causing the problem.
So, if Nancy had gotten a new carpet for the living room and George leaves his shoes everywhere on it, then this can lead to an issue. But the problems it can cause will primarily depend on the relationship they share rather than the problem itself.
A good and healthy marriage will lead to just a simple argument about the shoes. But for a breaking relationship, the ensuing fight and issue will leave around a lot of subtext in the arguments.
Browning understands this very well, hence instead of just focusing on the marital problems, he looks at the background as well.
- Marriage Mending
After Nancy started understanding the difficulties of her relationship, the course started coaching her on how to fix it and overcome all the complications.
This is something that Mend the Marriage does absolutely perfectly. Instead of just commanding Nancy to do the right thing, the course taught her all the ways she can mend her marriage along with all the benefits and drawbacks of each method.
As the course is all about teaching, the results then are very much in your hands and in Nancy’s words ‘so long as you really want to fix everything, it’ll work.’
What makes Mend the Marriage better than all its competitors?
Unlike most of the substandard marriage counseling courses out there, this product is not a Mend the Marriage scam, and Nancy felt that this course:
- Actually Works.
Well, this perk goes without saying, doesn’t it? Now that she and George are back together, Nancy honestly felt that to her, and her family Mend the Marriage was a huge deal.
- Helps with any future problems.
Not just with the present or past relationship issues, but Browning’s course has sufficiently trained Nancy to deal with any future marriage problems as well.
- Is definitely not a waste of time.
Nancy likes to believe that the worth of a course is through its results. And when it comes to results, Mend the Marriage passes with all flying colors in Nancy’s book.
- Is practical with engaging lessons.
There are various elements and lessons to follow in the course, picking the one that suits your needs the best will not be a problem at all. And each lesson is as fun as it’s engaging.
What are some of the things that the course lacks?
Mend the Marriage is just fantastic when it comes to fixing marital issues and long-term relationship problems, but there are certain things that it just lacks.
- Doesn’t deal with infidelity.
Mend the Marriage doesn’t properly (or rather, not at all) deal with problems that stem from one of the spouses being an infidel. And this might be an issue with a lot of couples out there.
- Some lessons can feel too simple.
Some parts of the course can feel extremely watered down and simplistic. As Mend the Marriage tries to accommodate every marriage going through difficulties, a lot of its lessons can feel too simple.
- Requires a lot of dedication and commitment.
To get the desired results from this course, Nancy had to put in a lot of time and effort into it. Hence this course may not be a cup of tea for every broken marriage and relationship.