When I came across Manifestation Magic I thought, great just what the world needs another product of the Law of Attraction, but I love the Law of Attraction and I wanted to find out more to see if I could change my own practice.
I bought it, downloaded it all, and I wanted to give you an honest review.
Magic Manifestation is a series of audio tracks with frequencies of brainwave training. By listening to these tracks when you’re about to sleep, your brain is going to be more receptive to the hypnotic suggestions. It’s a brilliant concept that I’ve effectively used in the past, so there’s nothing really new.
1. Actions that Matter
The biggest problem I had with books like The Secret was that to see results, all you had to do was think positively. This approach to wealth realization from Pollyanna sounds good, but it rarely works.
Magic realization involves listening to the audios. It’s a job. It’s not hard work–but it’s work that’s needed and a lot of people are going to miss it.
2. Builds a Strong Foundation
The explanation the theory behind it is that Manifestation Magic works and has strong testimonials. You are kindly brought to a place of plenty from a place of scarcity. That’s critical. I said it a thousand times, it’s your beliefs that will help you to manifest wealth in your life, and if you can change your beliefs, it’s the REAL SECRET that will change your actions.
It’s very hard to do this with books alone, because we’re habit people. So we can dive deeper into the mind by listening to the audios and correct the contradictions that sabotag our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better with the power of audios.
3. Consistency
Manifestation Magic creates wealth patterns and beliefs in you subconsciously by telling you to listen to the tracks every day. This is not a haphazard approach to wealth generation, such as positive thinking you do whenever you feel like. Coherence contributes to success.
4. Clearing out Trash
If you are still trapped in your old thinking habits, no amount of positive thinking will work. To hide it, it’s like applying nail polish to a rash.
You have to deal with the issue. Manifestation magic has audio sessions called “Energy Orbiting” to clear blocks of abundance in your mind. Your path will now be clear by clearing the old obstacles to manifest miracles without hindering your attempts.
5. All-Encompassing System:
Manifestation magic on the surface looked like just another example of self-help run-of — the-mill.
There are audios, a Quick Start guide, and about 14 bonus audios to help with your money, love life, spirituality, and so on. It is so much more than a commodity that raises money and it fulfilled its promises.
6. Easy to use:
There’s no doubt that listening to audios is better than pushing yourself to think and imagine positive images when you’re in shambles throughout your life.
Manifestation Magic is a very realistic and down-to-earth system that acknowledges you need to make WITHIN adjustments before you can make changes in your life. Before you can create a masterpiece, the canvas has to be clean. We enjoyed the soft pulsating sounds of the audio tracks!
7. Genuine Testimonials
The official sales page has customer reviews who tried the product and saw changes in their lives. That’s social confirmation that the pledge is fulfilled by the audio files.
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