Inspired Prayer Of Confession 

Almighty and everlasting God: 

Creator of the heavens and therefore the earth; Sovereign Ruler of all that was, and is, and is to be. we like you, for you're altogether Holy, and excellent in each methodIn all of creation, there is none like you.  Your Majesty…we marvel at the brilliance of Your Glory. From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, you are worthy, and greatly to be praised.

We know that our only access to you is through Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Master, our Savior and Redeemer. He is our Hope, our Peace, and our Joy. He is our Intercessor. It is in his name that we pray. 
We also recognize, that this is your inspired-prayer. 
We confess that in our selfishness, we have created all types of disturbances. 
We have done much harm, by not speaking in love. 
We confess that we have not always prayed to you in earnest. 
We have been high minded and puffed up with pride. 
We confess that we have depended upon our own strength, intelligence, and abilities. 
We considered ourselves better than the least of these our brethren. We confess that we have acted in our own authority. 
We failed to submit to your appointed leaders. 
We confess, that we have made ourselves prisoners to our own imaginations. 
We have esteemed ourselves higher than You.

Father, forgive us. Forgive us all, for everything that we have done, that is an abomination to Your Holiness. 
We will purpose to turn away, and make our ways and our doings good…

Thank you for every living soul that you have preordained to cross our paths. By the power of your Holy Spirit, and our love for you…may they all come to know you personally? 
Thank you for watching over us. 
Thank you for preserving, and protecting the lives of our wayward children. 
Thank you for bringing order…into the disorder…that so often besets us. Nevertheless, we thank you for the thorns, and life’s bitter pools. They remind us that you are God, we are your children, and that all things work together for good…because nothing is impossible for you God.

Inspired Prayer Of Confession 

Heavenly Father, we pray healing and deliverance for the sick, and shut-in. We pray health, strength, and protection for our pastor, and his wife. Make him and his family to prosper. Sanctify and maintain deacons and elders. Bless missionaries, preachers, teachers, and disciples of Jesus Christ everywhere... Because Jesus is the foundation of our lives, we know that we have the strength, comfort and guidance of your Spirit within us. Still Father, we realize that often we lean upon our own understanding…and as a result, we still fall short of the mark. So we come to you today, Father, in Jesus’ precious name, asking you: the author and finisher of our faith, to complete your work in us. Help us to multiply, and never divide. Father, cause this local body of believers, to become a multitude of spiritual giants. Open our spiritual eyes, that we might recognize our evil ways. Cause us to think with clarity, so that we don’t give the evil one any occasion to enter in. Father, don’t let us become slaves to our own desires. Help us to grow in our understanding of your love and power, so that our lives will bring glory and honor to you.

So right now dear God, while the heavenly hosts cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy…Lord God Almighty… the earth is filled with your glory”… we stand in agreement…that “Your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Let the redeemed of the Lord say Amen.

The 7 Day Prayer Miracle is a detailed step-by-step blueprint that teaches how to pray effectively like Prophet Daniel did, and dwell in the realm of miracles.
It includes easy, practical instructions and techniques, laid out in an easy-to-absorb format to accelerate the manifestation process.